DAY 6 : ANGIE’S JOURNEY   1 comment

 Am happy to report Angie and Mom had a really good night!! This hopefully will carry over to rest of day. They are watching her blood count pretty closely right now as it has dropped from the 10 area to 7’s, if it gets into 6’s it will mean a transfusion. They had warned us before surgery that there was a good chance that she would need a transfusion, so if you are considering a procedure you may want to have your own blood used. (blood drawn and stored). We didn’t have enough time also hadn’t thought about it!! Blood bank is pretty safe anymore but you never know!!! No physical therapy today account of it. That didn’t really break Angie’s heart, she worked pretty hard  at therapy yesterday.  Dr. Dunn and Dr. Borja (surgeons) stopped in. They are really pleased with her progress (“you are way ahead of the plan”). Awesome!!! Praise the LORD !!! This brightened her spirits along with telling her that they didn’t think that she would need that blood transfusion after all. (big smile). GOD IS GREAT !!!! so many prayers are being answered, keep them coming!!!! Thank you!!! She did get up and walk the halls after Dr. visit as physical therapy had already visited for day. This also helped bowels, thought maybe it was going to be another enema(not so much), everything is moving well now!!! They had backed off tube feeding(5ml) because of bloating earlier but now everything is moving again so have kicked it back up(20ml). Goal is 45ml. Dr.Dunn explained that a can of Coke is 300ml. Light came on with that explanation. Rest of day has been pretty uneventful, we like uneventful!! Rest is good. The new lances for blood sugar testing are wonderful, she is almost sleeping through them each hour.

Posted August 12, 2011 by admin in Surgery

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