Sleep wasn’t too bad as long as she didn’t have to get up, unfortunately they get you up to walk a couple times a night. Did get some sleep though. Mom did sleep through most of it!!! Thank you LORD!!! Awoke with vomiting again this AM so this morning its CAT scan time. Praise GOD!! We are going to get some answers for sure!!! CAT scan at 10:00. Dr. Dunn was in room at 10:15 to show us and explain scan. I love technology!!! Great news !!!! She is healing inside and out just like they want. The scan was very informative due to the gastric tube obstructing, the contents of the stomach couldn’t flow, saw an obstruction in the tube so the problem was mechanical. Dr. Dunn flushed the Gastric tube she said she felt like a plumber and there was over 800 ml of gastric contents that came out. That helped relieve her pain and nausea!! Ct Scan also showed alot of air in the bowels so new medication added Reglan to enhance mobility in bowels. This helps every thing up stream to come out down stream and move air, stool etc. to help with cramping and nausea. To help with the gastric tube problem the RN’s will flush the gastric tube with water every 2 hours around the clock not much sleep if it doesn’t open on it’s on then she has to get up and move walk to help definitely and cycle. Little gains but were seeing small gains. Is a Journey but will be worth it.
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