DAY 15 : ANGIE’S JOURNEY   1 comment

Praise the LORD!!!  Last night was a good night after 5 days we slept blocks of 3 to 4 hours.  She had good pain control and was able again to walk halls which helps with strength  and prevention of blood clots and healing. She decided that the Morphine short acting was too strong so she had them reduce it from 45 mg to 30mgs and it is going very well. Blood sugars were very stable all night. We are seeing progression, the Doctors said we would have 2 days forward and occasional 1 day back, so true so true. Our biggest learning lesson is with the medications she receives, make sure you write down every medication you are on, the dose, the time, and the name of these medications. These  medications can change day to day or with each of your physicians. So it’s important that you also help the Doctor and the RN’s to know what has changed from shift to shift. In her room they have a bulletin board so we update with every change of the medication and the times it’s given. I also keep track in a journal. There are over 15 medications at this time which is actually less then previous days, so we are definitely gaining on recovery. Our nursing care has been excellent and our physicians are supreme. My other concern was about her abdomen and slow motility of the bowel. So when I inquired we found out that the bowels and stomach can take up to a month before it actually becomes fully functional. That helped with understanding and Angie not feeling so fustrated or fearing that something was wrong. It’s a beautiful day outside and Angie is determined to go outside, that is our goal for the day.  God Bless everyone, keep the prayers a coming.  Love to all, Beth

Posted August 21, 2011 by admin in Surgery

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