Day 59   Leave a comment

Hey Everybody,

Sorry it’s been nine days since i’ve blogged.  Trying to adapt to being back home, getting caught up, and adapting to a new daily routine.  Being newly and hopefully temporarily diabetic is very challenging.  Between taking Lantus (Long acting insulin) once a day at noon, and doing corrections with Novalog (Regular or short acting ) after meals and snacks, it keeps you on a non-stop learning curve.  Being diabetic, counting carbs is essential since carbs directly effect your blood sugar.  Once i get to 45 carbs i have to take an extra unit of insulin to help keep my sugars normal.  Good news is we started correcting after 15 carbs so we are making headway.  Counting Carbs involves looking at the “Total Carbs” on the label and not the sugar.  Carbs are basically all foods except fats, proteins and oils.  Now I understand why so many diabetics struggle maintaining their diabetes, it’s like a full time job, lol.  I’ve had to check my blood sugars before meals and two hours after, usually 6-8 times a day.  My goal range for my blood sugar 80-120.  If i get lower than 80 i need sugar and if i go above 120 i need insulin.  Adjusting to this new routine has been very challenging, remembering everything is difficult.

Been having good days, but for every couple good days there has been a bad day, because of being tired and sore.  Unfortunately  still have my feeding tube but I am eating on my own.  Hopefully we will find out some time this week if we can take it out, i’ll keep you posted.

Talk to you soon,

Have faith expect miracles.


Posted October 3, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

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